2 research outputs found

    Comparison of Fatty Acid Composition between Female and Male Japanese Quail Meats

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    The objective of the present study was to compare the proximate analysis, fatty acids composition, omega fatty acids, trans fatty acids (TFAs), and ratio of the total poly unsaturated fatty acid (ΣPUFA) and total saturated fatty acid (ΣSFA) of female and male quail meats. Significant differences were not observed between pH, crude fat, moisture, and ash content of female and male quail meats (p>0.05). The male quail meat had higher fat and ash contents and lower moisture content than those of the female quail meat. The pHs of male and female quail meat were found to be 6.22 and 6.21, respectively. The results of the fatty acid composition analysis showed that C18:1 (42.14–41.23%), C16:0 (24.31–25.76%), C18:2 (13.82–13.42%), and C18:0 (7.49–7.32%) were found as the major fatty acids in the female and male quail meats. Total TFAs, ΣSFA, monounsaturated fatty acids (ΣMUFA), and ΣPUFA content of the female and male quail meats were found to be 2.79–2.82%, 33.22–34.65%, 49.70–48.72%, and 14.29–13.81%, respectively

    Investigating Fatty Acid Composition of Samples were Homogenized Various Meat and Offal Products from Turkey

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    The aim of the present study was to compare the fatty acid composition, PUFA:SFA ratio, n6/n3 ratio, and TFA of different farm animal meats and offal products. These products were collected at a regional farm in Istanbul which is the most populous city in Turkey. The results of fatty acid composition analysis indicated that the major fatty acids of C16:0 (18.00-29.35 %), C18:0 (4.10-29.71 %), C18:1 (29.21-57.30 %), and C18:2 (1.37-18.60 %) were found in the samples. The total saturated fatty acids, total monounsaturated fatty acids and total polyunsaturated fatty acids content of the samples ranged between 30.00 and 61.83 %, 32.24 and 57.80 %, and 1.64 and 23.60 %, respectively (p < 0.05). Except for turkey abdominal fat, TFA content in all other samples showed a variation between 0.10 and 3.36 %. The PUFA:SFA ratio was higher in turkey meat (0.64) and was lower in sheep kidney fat (0.02). Moreover, the n6/n3 PUFA ratio changed between 2.90 and 22.28 (p < 0.05)